PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE for February, 2022
Hello and welcome to this month’s reflector for February 2022. I trust this note finds everyone well, covid free and ready to move forward when things improve to enable us to be together again. It is good to remain positive in that this disease will end soon to the point life can return to some normalcy even if it is not yet 100% or may never be as we knew it. I have received calls and letters about our Zoom meetings regarding the length and content of the meetings. So based on that feedback I am going to try to make our meetings shorter in length by conducting the business portion inside of 45
minutes thus allowing our entertainment portion to last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour in length. We hope to elect a candidate for 2nd VP at this meeting to be entertainment coordinator. Reports by individuals will be kept short and to the point. I would still like to have the round table as this is your turn to participate in the club so that I get to hear concerns, information and ideas that you may have. After all, this is your club and information should flow freely between your executive and you the membership.
Activities remain in a hold pattern as weather has been our major setback, that is for antenna work at Cowie Hill and Station 50 tower install. We have had a major snowstorm every weekend this past month. Don, VE1DTR is working hard to secure new pc equipment for the club as well as finalizing the remote station setup so that people can access this facility at the club. Updates on EMO ACTIVITIES such as safety equipment inspection, the possible purchase of high angle rescue equipment and card access info will be brought up at the meeting as an update – I do not have that info at the time of writing.
Propagation numbers have dramatically improved with numbers well over 100 but at times the K FACTOR is high well (above 7 out to 27) as well limiting propagation and creating a higher noise level. There are may good contests on the next few weekends as shown on the WA7BNM WEBSITE, or in QST magazine. Radio seems to have come alive as we move into cycle 25 and the numbers are showing that strong indication. Lots to do when the snow flies and you are housebound whether it is contests or FT8 or cw and even satellite communications. Amateur radio is proving to be a lifesaver for its operators as it gives us a reason to get on the air to preserve our mental acuteness in these times of stress partly brought on by COVID. As you see in the Reflector we are striving to improve our meetings by having a shorter business portion by having entertainment and having a focus on Amateur radio. We are also striving to have future events that focus on radio and its benefits to club members. Hopefully, we can put on events or even get back to what we used to do in past years, flea markets and Field Days, the museum and so on. Please consider topics for Scott‘s presenters as this will come up at the meeting, so have some things in mind so they can start to have regular presenters on a variety of topics that interest you.
For those of you who sent me their card info, THANKYOU, for those of you who have not done so yet, please text me the info ASAP PLEASE, MY NUMBER IS 902-489-4656, for security reasons, e-mails are not a good idea, however, texts appear to be the way to go to preserve the integrity of your info. You will have noticed that Gary Murphy (HATS) and Dave George (SARS/EMO) asked for the same info and this is due to the fact that many of us have different access to different facilities and HRM NEEDS to know who has access to what. I need this info as it applies to ALL HARC MEMBERS. You will see that I have asked for replies to the question of a 90th Anniversary event, please take the time to respond as once again as this is your feedback to me on what you feel is important to you and the club as a whole. The second part
is whether you would help out to make this event a success, we would need maybe a committee of 10 to cover off all the tasks involved in putting on this event.
Please be prepared to vote on the 2nd VP position that is currently vacant. The bio of our prospect is included in the Reflector and we need your concurrence to make it happen for him. In this position he will head up the entertainment committee with the assistance of Scott Wood, VE1QD for a period of time until he feels comfortable doing that important work for the club. Thank you Scott for your continued support of club activities and for being a mentor.
Well, that about covers everything I wanted to bring to your attention for this month. We have a lot going on and you are part of this movement to improve our club and it’s importance to the community. I welcome all suggestions that you may have on topics for discussion, club events, projects and anything else you feel the membership can benefit from.
BE SAFE- GOOD DX- and above all else, have FUN with your radio experience, life is short but the rewards are for a lifetime.
73 – Respectfully submitted – Brian Allen, VA1CC, President of the HARC