We encourage anyone, of any age or background, who has an interest in amateur radio to consider taking a membership with the Halifax Amateur Radio Club. By becoming a member, you will be supporting the many club events, technical projects, and community support activities that the club is involved in.

In addition, we provide a fun and social atmosphere where one can feel free to get information on the latest aspects of ham radio or even solicit advice or help. Our members have a wide variety of knowledge and are glad to help. Please check our website, for information on the many things we are involved in.

HARC 2023 Membership Fee Structure

Full Member (licensed amateurs only)*$30.00
Associate Member (no voting privileges)$20.00
Family Membership*$50.00 (2 family members)
Each additional family member (Full Member)*$20.00

NOTE: All members receive a copy of the Club newsletter – Reflector – by email each month. Those wishing to receive a “hard copy” of the newsletter by mail will be required to pay an additional $10.00.

Membership Registration Process

Membership may be initiated or renewed using any of the following methods:

(1) By Mail: Download and save our Fillable PDF membership form to your computer. Then open it using Adobe Reader (which you can download for free from their website), or other PDF Reader then fill in the form, print a copy and mail it along with appropriate cheque payment to our postal address:

Halifax Amateur Radio Club
2050 Hammonds Plains Road,
Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia
B4B 1P3
Attn: Membership Chair

(2) Interac e-Transfer: The process to do an Interac e-Transfer is as follows:

  • Download and save our Fillable PDF Membership Form to your computer. Then open it in your .pdf reader – typically Adobe Reader; fill it in and save it to your computer. Then, e-mail it to clearly indicating on the form that you are paying by Interac e-Transfer.
  • Then, go to your on-line banking site and send an Interac e-Transfer to
  • The funds will automatically be deposited into the HARC account, the treasurer will confirm the e-Transfer with the sender and he will notify the Membership Chair.
  • The Membership Chair will then issue a current year e-Membership Card by email confirming that your current year membership has been paid.

(3) Alternatively, when in-person meetings resume, you may attend a monthly club meeting and the Membership Chair will be happy to renew your membership.

Do you have any inquiries or comments? Send us an email.

Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)

The Halifax Amateur Radio Club is a RAC Affiliated Club and encourages all of its members to join RAC, our National organization.

Contact RAC online at the RAC Website The membership page is RAC Membership Page, or phone (877) 273-8304 from 10 am to 4 pm EST/EDT.