Take the HAM radio course
Basic Course
Are you interested in becoming a Ham radio operator, or just want to know what Ham Radio (Amateur Radio) is all about?
The course contents follow the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) Study Guide (9th. Edition). It includes about 44 hours of instruction, including classroom and hands-on sessions. This comprehensive course has successfully completed the entry-level qualifying exam for most class members, including a mix of males and females, those with and without a previous technical background, and ages from 12 or younger to over 70 years of age. We believe this is the best way to start your career in amateur radio. The first meeting will be an introduction to ham radio, and I urge anyone who thinks they may be interested in becoming a ham to attend that evening. You will have an opportunity to hear about the many exciting dimensions of our hobby and obtain detailed information about the course.

The Basic Qualification Amateur Radio Course (online) is conducted with the assistance of the Annapolis Valley Amateur Radio Club (AVARC)
HARC Basic Qualification Amateur Radio Course (in-person) will be offered an in-person course at the Club station this fall.
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/5Uv1WCUfTWqdmrfB8
Manual and Books
5th printing, 2023; this Study Guide covers and explains all topics and concepts in the current ISED examination. Some new subsections have been added to provide context for the existing material where the authors felt it was appropriate. This new printing has been compared to the ISED June 2022 question bank, covering all questions. Printed on lighter, 50 lb paper to provide a better reading experience.
The final exam will be provided by one of the Club’s Volunteer Examiners (listed below). The pass rate for obtaining the Basic Certification is 70%. However, if you pass with honours (80%), you will be granted a Basic Plus Certification that provides full operating privileges for all bands. You can also obtain full operating privileges with an initial pass rate of 70% by demonstrating Morse code proficiency at five wpm.
Although Morse code is no longer an absolute requirement for licensing, it remains a beneficial and enjoyable aspect of our hobby. Concurrent instruction in Morse code as a language for communications will be provided to those wishing to use it to upgrade their level of certification or qualify for this mode of operating. The code training sessions will be arranged in a manner mutually agreeable among members of the class expressing an interest. Qualified amateur radio operators wishing to join the Morse code instruction are welcome. There is no charge for those wishing to participate in the Morse code classes.
Schedule dates for the HARC Course
To be announced
Brian Allen VA1CC (902) 404-4215