President's Message


“Now is the time for all good hams to come to the aid of their club”

Just sitting here at the radio this Sunday morning remembering what a wonderful day we had yesterday as we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. Man does time ever seem to fly by, and then you remember your youngest is 45. Enough said about that.

In this message, I have some things to pass on to everyone and there is no particular order to these, just need to be looked after. My first item is

CLIMBERS – We need to establish a current list of club climbers and we need to add new climbers to this list. So once I have some names I will arrange a climbing course either in person later on in the summer OR we can most likely do it through Zoom, etc. This is your opportunity to help the club and your fellow members should they need your help so please if you can put forth your name.

NET CONTROL OPERATORS – With so many HATS members (44) I never thought we would have an issue with the Sunday night net. However we are and there have been several nights where there has been no net ops hence no net. So my first call out is too all of the HATS members to come forward and get the necessary practice time doing net control for when your services are needed for emergencies. If there are any other members who can commit to a Sunday night scheduled every few weeks also please put your name into Bill, VE1MR. We do not need 20 but 6 to 10 who would rotate through every 5 to 10 weeks would be great for everyone.

Field day 2021 – For those who are going to participate in field day from home and are going to submit their logs to the ARRL, PLEASE USE: HALIFAX AMATEUR RADIO CLUB …PUT THIS IN YOUR LOG SHEET SUBMISSION PAGE EITHER IN Cabrillo OR AS A FILE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO THAT OTHER CLUBS WITH THE SAME FIRST LETTER DO NOT GET OUR POINTS e.g. HARC – Hamilton: Hastings etc. We will discuss this more completely in the open session on the 23rd.

OPEN SESSION – This will be held again the 4TH Wednesday of the month – JUNE 23, 2021 @ 1900 THIS MONTH’S topic will be “Operating Field Day from Home” and this is for everyone, not just our new people but for veterans as well, all parts of operating from sign on to logging to submission of logs and anything in between. (classes: antennas: power and so on)

Our QSL Bureau is working really well. When Murray sent your cards out via mail he included your financial status with a note and he was very pleased that this has prompted many of you to renew your funding to this valuable service. He has asked me to pass on his thanks for your response. He is still attempting to get in touch with many others who’s address and funding is outstanding. It is a on going project to find these hams.

To my knowledge there has been no new correspondence in that there are no bills we do not know about. The status of all other events has not changed for eg. HRM Grant, Cowie Hill Bldg., Station50 Tower installation, Museum Radio Room, etc. Everything is still very quiet and on the Covid front there is improvement in the numbers; however, we remain very cautious and cognisant of everyone’s health when it comes to club activities in the near future.

Well, you are all up to date as I am and as I have said when news breaks you will know about it ASAP. THANK YOU ALL, BE SAFE – second shots will soon be available for all and hopefully once that is complete we can start to put our lives back together.

73 – Respectfully, Brian Allen, VA1CC, President of the HARC

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