Winter 2023 – 2024 Builders’ Sessions
We’ve heard from a number of folks regarding the Winter Builders Sessions. I though this year we’d take a
different approach. Kit building will always be apart of the sessions, but I though this year we might try a bit more
experimentation and scratch building.
Based on last years participation, committing a morning every week might be a bit much to ask. I suggest every
second Sunday morning (9am to 12PM) starting Nov 19, 2023, then every 2 nd Sunday (less Dec 31 st ). Open for
discussion including alternate day/time.
As for ideas, here are some options based on input:
- Endfed6_40.pdf ( – forms a 40 to 6 meters portable antenna system. Alternative transformers
can be considered. I’ve built and used a couple of different versions, one 9:1 for less than 50w and one
49:1 for 300w. (requested) - Carrying on with the QCX variants, there is a new QMX multiband CW/Digital mode transceiver.
(requested) - 2m Slim-Jim water pipe portable antenna. Don Mosher is onboard for having the Builders Group build a
dozen or so antenna for new HATS members. Based on ordering materials, he is suggesting a December
build. (requested) - A digital (audio) interface with PTT (similar to a Signallink) which supports FT8, SSTV, VARA, etc. This
would be a scratch build from components. - We have 5 PCBs for a regenerative receiver very similar to the QRPGuys K8TND Reg Rx K8TND
Regenerative Receiver – QRPGuys - Originally, I thought a team of us could build a couple of T41-EP V12 5 band SDR Transceivers. Four State
QRP Group ( These are not for the faint of heart, as most the work is surface mount. Having
said that, all components are 1206 size, i.e., the largest surface mount size. As big as 1/4 w resistors we
had with the QCXs. These are expensive projects. I was planning to fund one (for myself) and ask the club
to fund the 2 nd unit (to be retained or auctioned off by the club). This would be a group build as there are
7 boards per unit. - While the V12 T41s semi kits are not available yet, I do have the 20w PA modules. These modules can be
used with other QRP rigs. Might be a way to get our feet wet. - We have been offered a couple of old transceivers that may or may not be working. The Builders would
attempt to restore these radios with the help of experienced restorers. (requested) - I have 5 PCBs for a transistor-based CPO. Original plan was to make them available for budding CW
operators. - As well I have a number of linear power supply kits (0 to 30v 3 amp) based on the venerable 723 IC.
- A project I am working on, is a Ham Clock (displays local and UTC time). Plan is to provide two for the
Acadia and Sackville for logging. These are Raspberry Pi based and requires programming. - Another project I am working on is a remotely controlled coax relay switch. Something that could be used
with a remote radio station. Plan is to use the ESP8166 or ESP32 controller, programming required.
For almost all of these we need parts. Individuals would be responsible for purchasing their own kits and
components. Within the group, we can coordinate group buys once we know who is interested in what.
As a starting point I recommend we get together and plan out the winter sessions. Gage interest in various ideas
and get to ordering parts. We can get together via ZOOM and/or over pizza at Station 50. I will setup a meeting