PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE for January 2022
First of all, let me say a belated Happy New Year to all our members and their families. Let the new beginning with lots of propagation and a renewed interest in all modes of radio and our club. Last year was another year of minimum activity for the club due to Covid-19 and its variants. I am not sure yet as to how this year will play out for us.
We do have some activity at the club coming up and that is finally the installation of our 30 ft. Tower for our satellite antennas and a new hf vertical antenna. Now that the base is in we need the weather to co-operate so we can assemble the tower – basically 3 – 10ft sections to bolt together and a hinge assembly at the 10ft mark with raising apparatus. We will need about 6 people to do this job and then, of course, there is the cabling, actual antennas and testing. I will be watching the weather for a Saturday that is good over the next couple of weekends and will let folks know the date and time…
We are still planning our Flea Market, however, at this point in time it is not looking good and the government has imposed a limit of how many can gather indoors…this may change as it really is far enough out to have things change.
Other activities such as Museums ship weekend: Museum of the Atlantic: the walk a thon / bike a thon: field day and others are in jeopardy.
As my note to all members indicated, Don Mosher- EMO- is looking to gather all card information related to the radio club – seems Gary, VA1GGM is doing this for the HATS GROUP AND I am doing it for our members who are not part of the Hats team. We need your name – card number and expiry date on or before Jan.19/22. Many cards are coming due and need to be renewed. Please send me the info as it is written on the card. Bob, VE1BFX is doing it for the Dartmouth club membership.
Radio has come alive these days as the numbers related to propagation have improved dramatically. There is a new award available to those who work II1 THRU 9 WRTC- ITALY- THEY ARE ON ALL BANDS AND ALL MODES for you to work… 3b9fr- Rodrigous island is on as well. Always lots of contests for those who like to compete – good for awards and great practice when it comes to handling traffic on a crowded frequency when it could apply to our emergency net control. Something for everyone.
Please take a few minutes to renew your membership whether it is online or snail mail…Bill, VA1ALW is always ready to accept money in any form.
We are looking for someone to take on the job of ENTERTAINMENT Co-ordinator who will work closely with Scott, VE1QD to become familiar with how this task is done and then Scott will step away but always there for advice. Please let any member of the executive know of your interest in this special job for the club.
Well, not much else for now, but I am looking forward to our first virtual meeting on Jan. 19/22. It will be good to see everyone and hear stories about the Holidays. Your radio experience and so on. Take extreme care of your selves and your family as we work thru the Omicron variant.
73 – Respectfully submitted – Brian Allen, VA1CC, President of the HARC